North County Weather 03.25.2022

Partly cloudy today, highs near 83. SW winds 10-15 miles per hour. Tonight, cloudy, lows near 48. NW winds 5-10 miles per hour. Tomorrow, partly cloudy, highs near 78. SW winds at 10-15 miles per hour. The extended forecast for increasing clouds. Sunday an 87% chance of rain late Sunday night and through Monday. We…

Other Stories This Friday 03.25.2022

The average price of gas is up over $6 per gallon in San Luis Obispo county. That breaks a new record. This week, the average price of regular unleaded reached $6.05 in San Luis Obispo county. It’s the third most expensive gas in California. Mono and Inyo counties are the most expensive. The governor says…

Craft Beer Festival 03.25.2022

A big event tomorrow in Atascadero, and there are still tickets available including $60 VIP tickets. Those allow you to get an early start so you can drink your favorite craft beers before most people arrive. For tickets and more information about tomorrow’s fourth annual Craft Beer Festival in Atascadero, go to:

Cal Fire Controlled Burn 03.25.2022

Again today, Cal Fire may conduct a controlled burn of hazardous vegetation along the east side of highway 229 between highway 58 and the town of Creston. Smoke may be visible in Creston and the surrounding areas over the next ten days. Cal Fire will have fire engines on site during all burn operations. If…

Paso STR Workshop 03.25.2022

Short Term Rentals the topic for a workshop last night at the library conference room. The second workshop of the week for the city of Paso Robles. Community Development Director Warren Frace says it was a workshop week this week. Again, that’s community development director Warren Frace talking about the ordinance on Short Term Rentals.…