With the summer-like weather, thousands of people headed for central coast beaches. Most flocked to Avila and Pismo beach. Along the north coast, a few hundred spread out along the beaches from Cambria to San Simeon, most observing safe distancing. In Cambria, Black Hand Winery opened, but only for curbside pick-up. Tom Banish is the owner and manager of Black Hand Winery. The grapes are grown in San Miguel. The tasting room is located in Cambria. Many local restaurants operating the same way. They can only allow take out.
Meanwhile, the debate continues on the shutdown. When will state, county and city governments allow businesses to reopen? Assemblyman Jordan Cunningham sent a letter to the governor one week ago, asking that the shut down be lifted. That letter signed by supervisors John Peschong and Debbie Arnold. They’re asking for a phased-in reopening of the economy over the next three weeks. Many states are reopening this week.