Local news in San Luis Obispo County including San Miguel, Paso Robles, Shandon, Templeton, Atascadero, Santa Margarita, San Luis Obispo, Avila Beach, Morro Bay, Cayucos, Cambria, Pismo Beach, Arroyo Grande, Santa Maria, and other cities along the Central Coast of California.

North County Weather 10.19.2022

Mostly sunny today, and warmer, highs near 95 in Paso Robles. 94 in Atascadero. ENE winds 5-10 miles per hour. Overnight, partly cloudy, lows near 53. NNW winds 5-10 miles per hour. Tomorrow, partly cloudy skies and cooler, high’s near 92 in Paso Robles. 89 in Atascadero. Northerly winds 10-15 miles per hour. We’ll see…

In Sports 10.19.2022

The Yankees beat the Cleveland Guardians 5-1 yesterday to win that Best of Five play off series games to two. So, the Yankees advance to the Americal League Championship series. They will play at Houston at 4:37 this afternoon. In the other game today, the Phillies play this afternoon at San Diego against the Padres.…

North County Weather 10.18.2022

Partly cloudy today, but warmer, highs near 90 in Paso Robles. 87 in Atascadero. NE winds 5-10 miles per hour. Overnight, mostly clear, lows near 50. NNW winds 5-10 miles per hour. Tomorrow, partly cloudy skies, high’s near 95 in Paso Robles. 93 in Atascadero. ENE winds 5-10 miles per hour. We’ll see mostly sunny…

Food and Farm News 10.18.2022

Derby Wine Estates to celebrate the 100 year anniversary of the Almond Growers building with an event in November. It’s called “Dinner With The Dueling Pianos” It will be held November 18th. One month from today, at Derby Wine Estates, which is in the old Almond Growers building. For more information, contact Derby Wine Estates.…

In Sports 10.18.2022

The Los Angeles Chargers beat the Denver Broncos 19-16 in overtime last night in Monday night football. The Broncos jumped out to a 10-0 lead in the first quarter, but could only score two field goals after that. The Chargers are now 3-2. The Broncos 2-3. In the baseball play offs The Yankees game with…

Boys & Girls Club in Paso 10.18.2022

Have you seen the new Boys and Girls Club building on Oak street in Paso Robles? You have an opportunity next week to check it out. Emily Reneau tells KPRL there’s an event there next Thursday, October 27th. It’s called Back-A-Youth Night. For more information, contact the Boys and Girls Club in Paso Robles.