Local news in San Luis Obispo County including San Miguel, Paso Robles, Shandon, Templeton, Atascadero, Santa Margarita, San Luis Obispo, Avila Beach, Morro Bay, Cayucos, Cambria, Pismo Beach, Arroyo Grande, Santa Maria, and other cities along the Central Coast of California.

North County Weather 10.04.2022

Sunny and warm, highs near 92 in Paso Robles. 90 in Atascadero. Northerly winds 5-10 miles per hour. Overnight, mostly clear, lows near 52. NNW winds 10-15 miles per hour. Tomorrow, mostly sunny but a little warmer. High’s near 94 in Paso Robles. 90 in Atascadero. SW winds 10-15 miles per hour. We’ll see sunny…

In Sports 10.04.2022

Monday night football, the 49ers beat the Rams 24-9 last night in Santa Clara. In baseball, The Rockies beat the trolley Dodgers 2-1. The Padres over the Giants 7-4. In the American league, The Athletics beat the Angels 5-4 The Yankees beat the Rangers 3-1. No home runs for Aaron Judge in that game. The…

John Madden Football Center 10.04.2022

Cal Poly and the John Madden family announced at Saturday’s football game a new home for Cal Poly football. It’s called the John Madden Football Center. The 30,000 square foot, $30 million dollar building will go up just south of the football field, next to the Mustang Memorial Plaza which honors the lives of 16…

Space X Launch 10.04.2022

The Space X launch from Vandenberg was postponed yesterday. The Falcon 9 rocket was scheduled to blast off late yesterday afternoon. It could take place today, but Space-X says if the Crew-5 Mission remains on track for a Wednesday launch, they could push the launch back further. The Crew-5 Mission will send two NASA astronauts,…

The Printery Building 10.04.2022

Yesterday, KPRL received an email and some phone calls related to the Atascadero Printery Foundation, and fundraisers held by a candidate at the property. Unfortunately, some of the information was not correct. The Printery Foundation is a 501 C3 non-profit corporation with a board of directors. There are federal laws the directors have to abide…

Broadband Strategic Plan 10.04.2022

City officials in Atascadero and Paso Robles team up to improve internet access to businesses and residents in their communities. City officials of the two towns signing a memorandum of understanding to kick-start the north county broadband strategic plan project. That occurred in May. In August, the cities selected Teleworx, LLC to develop the plan.…

Paso Robles City Council 10.04.2022

The Paso Robles city council meets tonight at the library conference room. The council will proclaim this domestic violence awareness month. The council will conduct a public hearing on an amendment to the zoning code to allow commercial cannabis delivery services in the city. The council will also discuss the ECHO community stakeholder committee liaisons.…

North County Weather 10.03.2022

Sunny and warm, highs near 89 in Paso Robles. 86 in Atascadero. Northerly winds 10-15 miles per hour. Overnight, mostly clear, lows near 52. NW winds 10-20 miles per hour. Tomorrow, mostly sunny but warmer. High’s near 92 in Paso Robles. 90 in Atascadero. Northerly winds 10-15 miles per hour. We’ll see sunny skies through…