Local news in San Luis Obispo County including San Miguel, Paso Robles, Shandon, Templeton, Atascadero, Santa Margarita, San Luis Obispo, Avila Beach, Morro Bay, Cayucos, Cambria, Pismo Beach, Arroyo Grande, Santa Maria, and other cities along the Central Coast of California.

North County Weather 5.28.2020

Mostly sunny but cooler, highs this afternoon in the low 90’s. SWw winds 15-25 miles per hour. Tonight, clear skies, lows in the mid 50’s. SSW winds 10-20 miles per hour. Tomorrow, sunny with some clouds but cooler. Highs in the low to mid 70’s. SW winds 15-25 miles per hour. The extended forecast calls…

In Sports 5.28.2020

Major league baseball players are disappointed with a proposal to reduce their pay this year because of the government imposed shut down. Some players will lose more than 77% of their salaries. A new plan shared Tuesday would allow players to keep 90% of their salaries up to $563 thousand dollars. That’s the major league…

Estrella Warbirds 5.28.2020

Estrella Warbirds Museum is scheduled to reopen today. The museum closed back on March 16th. After closely monitoring the evolving state of the corona-virus, and implementation of safeguards to protect visitors, staff and the community, it was determined that the museum can safely reopen. It’s open from 10-4 Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The Estrella…

Dick Mason

Oil Drilling 5.28.2020

The Bureau of Land Management is giving the go ahead for oil drilling at the base of the Caliente mountains in eastern San Luis Obispo county. It would be the only new drilling within the Carrizo Plain National Monument. Gavin Newsom signed legislation prohibiting new oil and gas development on state lands. President Trump has…

Hair Salons & Retail Reopening 5.28.2020

Meanwhile, hair salons and retail businesses are reopening. Many are wondering when governor Gavin Newsom will allow gyms to reopen. Supervisor Lynn Compton says business should prepare to reopen now. The government officials who closed the businesses are now saying they feel the pain of those who lost their savings. Tom Frutchey is the city…

Fires and Such 5.28.2020

Another hot one today in the north county, but about ten degrees cooler than yesterday. The hot weather party responsible for fires. Last night, a fire burned about one thousand acres at Camp Roberts. Fire crews battled the blaze all night. The fire is now contained. It started around 3:15 yesterday afternoon and quickly jumped…

Memorial Day 5.25.2020

The Memorial Day Ceremony at Faces of Freedom in Atascadero was largely a virtual event, but several dozen people stopped by to pay their respects. Some visited the iconic monument to celebrate and remember those who made the supreme sacrifice for their country. Others came hoping for a ceremony, but stayed to share in the…

North County Weather 5.22.2020

Mostly sunny, highs this afternoon near 80. NNW winds 10-20 miles per hour. Tonight, clear skies, lows in the mid 40’s. NW winds 10-20 miles per hour. Tomorrow, sunny and warmer, highs in the mid 80’s. NNW winds 10-15 miles per hour. The extended forecast calls for sunny skies through the weekend with increasing temperatures.…

Avocado Thefts 5.22.2020

Two avocado growers in Nipomo say thieves stole dozens of avocados from their orchards this week. One grower with 100 trees saying someone stole most of her avocados, except those out of reach at the top of the trees. She discovered the avo’s missing Wednesday. The growers want to get the word out to warn…

Overdose Death 5.22.2020

A Templeton man is charged with murder after he allegedly sold drugs to another man who died from a drug overdose. 22-year-old Travis Wolfe faces two felony charges of possessing and selling a controlled substance. A judge signed a warrant for his arrest on Tuesday. Then, Wednesday, Wolfe was taken into custody. He’s being held…