Four new coronavirus cases reported in San Luis Obispo county. That brings the total number to 124.
As of Tuesday, 104 of those people completely recovered. 16 are at home recovering. Three are hospitalized. One 86-yr-old man died. The hospitals are waiting for the surge, turning away elective surgery to make room for it.
At Cal Poly, 900 beds are waiting for victims at the government alternative care center. County health director Penny Borenstein says it will be at least another two weeks before the county can determine if the non-essential businesses may reopen. Or if the peak is still yet to come. So far, out of 285 thousand people in the county, there have been 124 reported cases of corona-virus. For more information visit
The economic impacts may be of much greater concern. Lay-offs at Harley Davidson. Furloughs at Honda. And the government shut down and resulting recession may force municipalities and the state to make major budget cuts. The city of Santa Maria reporting a loss of $10 million from the shut down.