Local News, Talk, and Sports Radio
We are the local talk radio station in the North County. Below is a list of our programming. Please feel free to look at a schedule for exact times during the week.
We are the local talk radio station in the North County. Below is a list of our programming. Please feel free to look at a schedule for exact times during the week.
Local News
All throughout the week you will hear local news updates. Local News, sports, weather, traffic, and events. KPRL knows how to make small town news come alive! Monday through Friday local news with Chris Garcia
Today’s News Summary
Weekday Radio Schedule
Morning Exchange
The Morning Exchange airs 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. every weekday. Hosts Kevin Will and Chris Garcia take a lively look at local issues. Weather every hour around the clock. Call in and let your voice be heard on a number of topics. Call 805-238-KPRL (5775)
Protecting What Matters
Protecting What Matters with Barry J. Fisher. The goal of this show is to help listeners become better shoppers and buyers of services and products designed to protect various aspects of our lives and businesses. These will include insurance, wealth creation and management, health, medical, as well as personal wellbeing and safety. Please call into the show with questions (805) 238-5775 (KPRL) or email: info@blazenbear.com.
Sound-Off, the longest-running call-in radio talk show in the county, now in its seventh decade, pre-dates the current popularity of talk. It is unsurpassed as a forum for discussion on issues of the day. Call 805-238-KPRL (5775)
Open Mic Friday
Yes, it is exactly as it says… Open Mic Friday is a lively discussion of local and national topics. It may be controversial or a positive local story. Either way… you won’t want to miss out on lively discussions. Call 805-238-KPRL (5775)
The Country Store
KPRL opens the telephone lines for some good old town swapping and selling of items. You might call it a “Radio Garage Sale”. KPRL takes your calls and you share what you would like to do with the items that have been sitting around in your house for decades. “One mans trash is another mans treasure!” Listen in and find something you need or call KPRL and sell that item! Call 805-238-KPRL (5775)
Gear Head Radio w/Jimmy Purdy From Shift’N Gears
A full service auto repair shop located in Paso Robles.
City Council Meetings
KPRL broadcasts council meetings live over the radio to the entire North County. See your local city office for dates and times.
Live Eagles Football
We are proud of our local football teams and we have the privilege of broadcasting Eagles Football Games Live! Listen in and hear play by play on Friday nights during the games.
Click here to view the schedule
Listen Live: Here!
Listen in as we enjoy a little Pro Football. You can view the schedule on our website.
Listen Online: Here!