While many focused on the election Tuesday night, the Paso Robles city council authorized the city manager to execute a purchase for about 6 million dollars a property located near the Paso Robles airport. The property is at 4301 Second Wind Way. It’s owned by the city, but they are going to spend about $6 million to improve it. Ultimately, it will be used for city operations as a more cost-effective option than the current leases for the city hall annex, at 821 Pine street, and for the corporation yard at 635 Riverside drive.
The property improvements will cost the city $6.1 million. That will come from a variety of special funding sources, in order to protect general fund reserves. Part of the money will come from funds set aside to buy the Boys School. That acquisition was negotiated with the state, but it did not materialize.
City staff estimates that the expenditure will save the city about $7 million over 30 years and will generate ongoing lease revenue for the general fund and airport fund. The city will use only a portion of the property and will lease the remainder. According to city officials, there is no negative impact on the general fund.