The Paso Robles city council meets tonight, virtually. The meeting will be live-streamed. You can watch it online or later by accessing the city website.
The council will get a presentation from fire chief Jonathon Stornetta on the emergency services annual report. Mayor Steve Martin will make several proclamations including CAPSLO Month of the Child, National Telecommunicators Week, National Library Week and a Thomas Frutchey proclamation. The city manager is stepping down soon, and so Tom Frutchey going to be honored for his work for the city of Paso Robles. The council will also receive a report from a Tribune staff writer on substandard rental housing.
Two public hearings. One on a Calpers retirement contract amendment for city employees. Another on a planned development and oak tree removal for Justin Winery.
You can hear the Paso Robles city council meeting live here on KPRL tonight beginning at 6:30.