The Paso Robles school board’s next meeting is tonight after its closed session, which begins at 6 pm.
On the board’s agenda is a presentation recognizing superintendent Dr. Curt Dubost. The school district’s new superintendent, Jennifer Loftus, will begin her term on July 1st of this year.
Also on the board’s agenda is a resolution that would confirm the district’s commitment to “financial solvency.” The agenda says that as enrollment declines, district staff will begin to develop plans for reductions in its spending, which will be developed early in the 2024-25 school year.
The school board will also discuss the upcoming consolidation of the district from eight to seven campuses. As Georgia Brown will close and move to Daniel Lewis middle school, upcoming 6th graders will remain at Glen Speck, Kermit King, Pat Butler, Virgina and Winifred Pifer elementary schools. The school district says that Daniel Lewis will receive minor additions and construction, but the other elementary school campuses are currently able to accommodate the transfer of its 6th graders.
Therefore, the school board may approve a notice of exemption for consolidation projects.
You can attend tonight’s meeting in person, or watch online.