Protecting What Matters with Barry J. Fisher. The goal of this show is to help listeners become better shoppers and buyers of services and products designed to protect various aspects of our lives and businesses. These will include insurance, wealth creation and management, health, medical, as well as personal wellbeing and safety. Please call into the show with questions (805) 238-5775 (KPRL) or email: [email protected].
Today’s Guest(s):
*Leslie Orradre, Executive Director of Jack’s Helping Hand. Speaking about the unique mission of Jack’s Helping Hand. Special programs and services designed to help fragile children cancer. Upcoming fundraising efforts and how you can help make a difference.
*Steve Frank, California Political News & Views. Speaking about Gavin Newsom’s state budget debacle. California’s “lost” $24 billion in homeless funds. Commentary on other newsworthy stories from California and around the USA.