Protecting What Matters with Barry J. Fisher. The goal of this show is to help listeners become better shoppers and buyers of services and products designed to protect various aspects of our lives and businesses. These will include insurance, wealth creation and management, health, medical, as well as personal wellbeing and safety. Please call into the show with questions (805) 238-5775 (KPRL) or email:
Today’s Guest(s):
*Henry Rodgers, Chief National Correspondent – Daily Caller. Report from the campaign trail and the current state of the Presidential race. Latest word on key Congressional & Senate contests that will decide the fate of our nation. Stories of national interest impacting politics in Washington, DC.
*Atascadero Police Corporal Scott Pipan & Dave Belmont – Board Members of the Atascadero Police Foundation. View of Central Coast crime and homelessness from a police officer’s perspective. Role and mission of the newly formed charitable Atascadero Police Foundation. Dave will provide listeners with an update on the CA homeowners insurance market going into 2025.
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