Rainy Weekend 03.10.2023

Press Release – Paso Robles Storm Update_Evac Warnings_3-10-2023 The city of Paso Robles reports 1.4 inches over the past 24 hours ending this morning around 6. For the season, were up to 23 and a half inches. Forecasters are predicting another 1-2 inches of rain today. The heaviest rainfall will be between 8 and twelve…

Opener For Friday 03.10.2023

You’ll see periods of heavy rain today. According to a news release from the city of Atascadero, the heaviest rain will be from 8-12 noon this morning. Paso Robles fire chief Jonathon Stornetta has some advice for you. Schools are closed today, because of the heavy rain. That includes schools in the Atascadero, Templeton and…