North County Weather 06.14.2022

Sunny today in the north county, highs near 95. NNW winds 10-20 miles per hour. Tonight, clear skies, lows near 53. NNW winds 10-20 miles per hour. Tomorrow, sunny skies, highs near 100. NW winds 10-20 miles per hour. The extended forecast calls for sunny skies thru this weekend. Temperatures will cool off Thursday and…

In Sports 06.14.2022

The Stanford Cardinal clobbered UCONN 10-5 yesterday to advance to the college world series. In the other west coast game, Auburn beat Oregon State 4-3 to eliminate the Beavers. So the eight teams qualifying for the college world series are Stanford, Auburn, Notre Dame, Ole Miss, Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas A & M. Play…

Paso Robles Taggers 06.14.2022

In Paso Robles, neighbors are trying to identify four young taggers who spray painted a foot bridge near Turtle Creek road in Paso Robles. Three girls and one boy were in the group, although one boy and one girl did the tagging. They are believed to be residents or visitors to the area just north…

Yosemite Tagging 06.14.2022

In Yosemite national park, national park service investigators are working with other law enforcement agencies to determine who tagged rocks with graffiti in about 30 different locations along a popular trail in the national park. The taggers spray painted “Fresno” on several of the rocks. The tagging occurred May 20th on rocks along the upper…