North County Weather 1.30.2020

Mostly sunny this afternoon, after morning fog and low cloud, highs in the mid 60’s. NNE winds 5-10 miles per hour. Partly cloudy skies overnight, lows near 40. Tomorrow, mostly sunny, but a little warmer, highs in the low 70’s. The extended forecast calls mostly sunny skies through the weekend, but warmer- highs Saturday in…

Employment Law 1.30.2020

Today, the Atascadero chamber of commerce is hosting an update on employment law. Attorney Susan Waag will speak at an update from 11:30 until one today at the Spring Hill Suites in Atascadero. Call the Atascadero chamber for more information or to make reservations.

Uber Rider 1.30.2020

A Paso Robles woman is suing Uber, claiming her driver sexually assaulted her. She says the driver then had her arrested for allegedly assaulting him. Jill Marsh says she called Uber back on January 22nd to get a ride home to her house on the east side of Paso Robles. She says the driver went…

Off Road Vehicles 1.30.2020

Tomorrow, those who enjoy riding off road vehicles on the Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area are going to hold a rally in Sacramento to protest recent closures at the dunes. Hundreds of people are expected to convene at the capitol building tomorrow. Recently, state officials closed SVRA, a 48 acre site that includes a…

Earthquake 1.30.2020

Did you feel the earthquake yesterday morning? It measured 2.2 on the Richter sale. It was centered about seven miles northeast of San Simeon along the central coast. It rattled windows at 11:03 yesterday morning. A similar quake shook the same area back on November 7th. That one measured 2.3 on the Richter scale.

Housing Element 1.30.2020

Wednesday night, the City of Paso Robles hosted a workshop on the Housing Element, facilitated by MIG, which works with cities to help them develop a Housing Element which complies with state regulations. About 30 people attended the workshop at the Paso Robles Safety Center. Jill Eulate recorded suggestions made by citizens brainstorming ideas to…

Templeton CSD Candidates Forum 1.30.2020

It was standing room only at a 5th district supervisor’s candidates forum last night at the Templeton Community Services District board room, but candidate Ellen Beraud did not show up. Supervisor Debbie Arnold answered questions submitted by those in attendance, including some submitted by supporters of the challenger. Jessica Main, CEO of the Templeton Chamber…