North County Weather 7.09.2021

Sunny and warm again today, highs near 102 in Paso Robles. 94 in Atascadero. WSW winds 15-25 miles per hour. Overnight, clear skies, lows near 66. Westerly winds 10-20 miles per hour. Tomorrow, mostly sunny, highs near 105. 95 in Atascadero. Westerly winds 15-25 miles per hour. The extended forecast calls for high temperatures near…

Friends of the Library 7.09.2021

The Friends of the Paso Robles Library store is conducting the first of two book drives tomorrow morning behind the library. So, the first book drive is tomorrow morning from nine until twelve noon. You can drive through the parking lot behind the library and drop your books off under the oak tree. There will…

Agricultural Employer Survey 7.09.2021

When selecting employees, agricultural companies say that soft skills, like a strong work ethic, good communication, time management and dependability, are just as important as technical know-how. That’s according to a recent survey by California State University, Fresno. Agriculture industry knowledge was the only technical skill that was on the top 10 skills listed as…

Paso Robles City Council 7.09.2021

Last night, Paso Robles city council met in person for the first time in over a year. The big issue last night, at least for many in the community, was pickle ball. Pickle ball players filled the library conference room last night. Several talked about the popularity of pickle ball. They also described a big…

Dick Mason

Opener For Friday 7.09.2021

A warm weekend in the north county. High temperatures today ranging from 94 in Atascadero to 102 in Paso Robles. Tomorrow, we’ll see highs near 105 in Paso Robles. 95 in Atascadero. Then the north county will cool off by the middle of next week. Governor Gavin Newsom stopped in San Luis Obispo county yesterday…