RAF at Paso Airport 02.06.2023

At the Paso Robles airport yesterday, the Royal Air Force conducted an open house, giving locals tours of their aircraft. Del Blair is the squadron leader. He tells KPRL the Brits are planning to leave the Paso Robles airport later this week. But they plan to return to the Paso Robles airport in the future…

Planting Ordinance 02.06.2023

Tomorrow, San Luis Obispo county supervisors are expected to vote to kill Debbie Arnold’s planting ordinance before it became law. The planting ordinance was designed to guarantee small family farms and ranches in the north county 25 acre feet of water per year. The supervisors held a special meeting on a Sunday morning to put…

North County Weather 02.03.2023

Sun and clouds mixed today in the north county, highs near 61. Light, variable winds. Tonight, partly cloudy skies, lows near 39. Light variable winds. Tomorrow partly cloudy in the morning. Occasional showers in the afteroon. We’ll get about a quarter inch of rain. Highs near 62, light variable winds. The extended forecast calls for…

Sam Blakeslee 02.03.2023

On Monday of this week, a homeless person broke into Blakeslee and Blakeslee in San Luis Obispo. Owner Sam Blakeslee says that was the fourth time he’s been burglarized in the last two years, but this weeks break in led to the disappearance of a lap top and his Apple watch. Sam realized he could…

Martin Resorts 02.03.2023

KSL Resorts has taken over the day-to-day management of five San Luis Obispo county Boutique Hotels, including the Paso Robles Inn. The properties were previously operated by Martin Resorts. They include the Piccolo in Paso Robles, and a number of properties in Avila Beach and Pismo Beach. Noreen Martin says she will remain close to…