North County Weather 7.22.2020

Morning clouds becoming mostly sunny this afternoon, high’s near 80. SW winds 10-20 miles per hour. Overnight, partly cloudy w/ lows in the low 50’s. WSW winds at 10-20 mph. Tomorrow, mostly sunny after morning clouds, highs in the mid 80’s. SW winds 10-20 miles per hour tomorrow. The extended forecast calls for mostly sunny…

In Sports 7.22.2020

Baseball returns slowly and without fans at the major league ballparks. In Oakland Monday, the San Francisco Giants played the Oakland Athletics in an exhibition game at the Oakland coliseum. The giants won 6-2. San Francisco Giants new manager Gabe Kaplan took a knee to speak out against racial injustice. He said, “I wanted people…

Covid-19 SLO Update 7.22.2020

San Luis Obispo county reports 63 new cases of the coronavirus. Paso Robles fire chief Jonathon Stornetta described the situation in the north county to Paso Robles city council last night. Out of 285,000 people living in the county, 1369 have tested positive for covid-19. So far, seven people in the county have died who…

Arrested Teen 7.22.2020

Atascadero police arrest a Paso Robles teenager in connection with Sunday’s car chase and crash into a light pole. Police say they tried to check on a vehicle in the Paloma Creek park parking lot just after 11 Sunday night. The driver took off and the chase began. The car crashed into a light pole…

Another Protest in SLO 7.22.2020

Another black lives matter protest yesterday afternoon in San Luis Obispo. Protesters said they were angry about comments made by San Luis Obispo county sheriff Ian Parkinson at a meeting in Atascadero two weeks ago. At the Tea Party meeting on July 6th, the sheriff allegedly condemned violent protests. Yesterday, protesters in San Luis Obispo…

Paso Robles Schools 7.22.2020

Tonight, Paso Robles schools superintendent Curt Dubost and administrator Nate Maas will hold another streamed conversation to update families and community members about distance learning, home school and independent study options. There will also be a short update from special education. The conversation will be at six this evening on YouTube. Go to the school…