North County Weather 10.30.2020

Sunny skies, highs this afternoon in the upper 80’s. Northerly winds 5-10 miles per hour. Clear skies overnight, Lows near 42. Tomorrow, sunny with highs near 90. NE winds 5-10 miles per hour. The extended forecast calls for sunshine and temperatures in the mid 80’s to the low 90’s through next week.

Templeton Fire Department 10.30.2020

Due to passage of Measure A, Templeton Fire and Emergency Services begins 24/7 staffing tomorrow. They’re going to have coffee and doughnuts from 9-10 tomorrow at the fire station. You’re encouraged to stop by and check out the fire engines and meet the fire captains and reserve firefighters. If you stop by, you’re encouraged to…

Fatal in Paso 10.30.2020

Another fatal crash on 101 at the south end of Paso Robles. The CHP says a wheel coming loose from a fifth-wheel trailer killed a person in another vehicle. At around 2:40 yesterday afternoon, the 2014 trailer was being towed by a truck when officers say the right wheel dislodged from the trailer’s rear axle…

Election 10.30.2020

Tomorrow, the general election ramps up with the opening of the voting stations. Those voting stations are open tomorrow, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, which is election day. Here are the locations in the north county… Libraries in Paso Robles, San Miguel , Atascadero, Santa Margarita, Shandon and the Creston library. Templeton CSD office, Atascadero lake…

North County Weather 10.29.2020

Sunny skies, highs this afternoon in the mid 80’s. NE winds 5-10 miles per hour. Clear skies overnight, lows near 42. Tomorrow, sunny with highs in the upper 80’s. NNE winds 5-10 miles per hour. The extended forecast calls for sunshine and temperatures in the mid 80’s to the low 90’s through the weekend.