North County Weather 8.18.2021

Mostly sunny skies today, highs near 77 in Paso Robles. Near 75 Atascadero. SW winds increasing 10-20 miles per hour. Overnight, clear skies, lows near 54. W winds 10-20 miles per hour. Tomorrow, mostly sunny, but cool. Highs near 84 in Paso Robles. 79 in Atascadero. SW winds 10-20 miles per hour. The extended forecast…

CAPS 8.18.2021

In the Atascadero, CAPS, the Committee for Atascadero Public Schools doing their auction again, Nicole Hider tells KPRL, it’s the 15th year for the auction. They’ve raised over $900,000 for Atascadero schools. Nicole says there are some great items in the auction, to check out the auction items go to their website:

PRJUSD 8.18.2021

Tomorrow, schools in the Paso Robles school district reopen, and feeding the students is taking a new direction. Director of student services, Tom Harrington tells KPRL because of a new federal program, all students will get a free lunch. Many will also receive breakfast and dinner. So, that’s the plan for this academic year. Classes…

Parklets Discussed at Paso Meeting 8.18.2021

The council discussed those parklets for restaurants in the downtown area. A number of people spoke, including Dana Stroud who spoke for the chamber of commerce. Billy Grant also spoke about plans to remove the parklets November first. He says that’s too soon. Councilman John Hamon talked about parklets he saw in Anacortes, Washington, which…

Paso Robles City Council 8.18.2021

Tuesday night, the Paso Robles City Council unanimously approved an employment agreement with Police Chief Ty Lewis. Lewis officially becomes the City Manager on Monday. Lewis will move from his office at the Police Station on Monday to his new office in City Hall. Lewis will be paid $221,000 per year as City Manager. He…