North County Weather 8.30.2021

Mostly sunny skies today. Highs today near 98 in Paso Robles. Near 92 Atascadero. SW winds 10-20 miles per hour. Overnight, clear skies, lows near 59. NNE winds 10-15 miles per hour. Tomorrow, mostly sunny, but much cooler. Highs near 86 in Paso Robles. 83 in Atascadero. SW winds 15-25 miles per hour. The extended…

In Sports 8.30.2021

The Atascadero Greyhounds clobber Torres out of Madera Friday night in high school football. The Greyhounds beat Torres of Madera 35-0 at Atascadero high school. The Bearcats also won their home opener, beating Independence high school out of Bakersfield 14-6. The Templeton Eagles traveled to Coalinga, but lost to the Horned Toads 27-6. The Eagles…

Wolf Pack Survives Fire 8.30.2021

Wildfires like the Caldor or Dixie fire destroy buildings and a lot of wildlife. But a California wolf biologist says he found a California wolf pack outside the town of Westwood in Lassen county. Fire destroyed their den, but the wolves survived. Biologist Kent Laudon spotted two adults with one young adult wolf and four…

Caldor Fire 8.30.2021

The Caldor fire has forced more evacuations around the Tahoe basin. Last night, all residents on the California side of the lake Tahoe basin were warned to evacuate. Cal Fire division chief Erich Schwab says the fire is moving about one-half mile each day. It’s been doing that for the last couple weeks. Schwab says…

Dick Mason

Fire in Paso Destroys RV’s 8.30.2021

A fire at Sky River recreational vehicle dealership Saturday night destroyed three RV’s and damaged five others. The fire broke out around 10:30 Saturday night. That’s located at 2552 Theater drive. You’ve probably driven by it many times. When the firefighters arrived at 10:30 Saturday night, they contained the flames to prevent them from spreading…

Overdose Deaths in North County 8.30.2021

Two more overdose deaths reported in the north county. Atascadero police and fire responding to a call at a residence on the 4000 block of Rosita avenue Saturday find three unresponsive adults. That was around 1 Saturday afternoon. Two adults were found dead. Another rushed to the hospital police describe the incident as narcotics-related. The…

Opener For Monday 8.30.2021

Another warm day today, but September brings cooler temperatures to the north county. Forecasters say we’ll see temperatures drop to the mid 80’s tomorrow. Then into the low 80’s through most of this week. This coming Saturday and Sunday, highs will be in the low 90’s. Cooler weather will be with us beginning tomorrow.