North County Weather 10.31.2022

Sunny today, highs near 76 in Paso Robles. 73 in Atascadero. NW winds 5-10 miles per hour. Overnight, clear skies, lows near 44. WSW winds 5-10 miles per hour. Tomorrow, cloudy with occasional showers. The chance of rain is 42%. High’s near 62 in Paso Robles. 62 in Atascadero. Northerly winds 5-10 miles per hour.…

In Sports 10.31.2022

High school football completed the regular season Friday night. The Paso Robles Bearcats beat Arroyo Grande 35-14. The Templeton Eagles lost a tough battle with the San Luis Obispo Tigers. Tigers beat the Eagles 35-28. The Atascadero Greyhounds lost to Pioneer Valley 21-20. The Greyhound fell behind 21-7, and then closed within one. The St.…

Parkfield Californios Event 10.31.2022

A fascinating horse event in Parkfield over the weekend. “Early Californios Skills of the Rancho.” That’s how they billed the event. Equestrians demonstrating and competing in skills used by the early ranchers in California. Several dozen people participated in the Californios’ event over the weekend in Parkfield. Near the rodeo arena, booths offered a variety…

Election Next Tuesday 10.31.2022

The election is one week away. It will be Tuesday of next week. Elections observer Darcia Stebbins says she’s going to take her vote by mail ballot in on election day and get a flat one from the elections workers. She says that will be counted that night. Darcia Stebbins is a certified public accountant,…

Annual Zoo Boo 10.31.2022

The weather ideal for Zoo Boo Saturday night at the Charles Paddock Zoo. Zoo director Alan Baker says the zoo usually gets a big turnout for the annual Zoo Boo event at the Charles Paddock Zoo. There were games, and photo ops and Garry Brill played spooky tunes which inspired a number of children to…