North County Weather 04.06.2023

Today, sunny this morning with a few clouds this afternoon. Highs near 69. SSW winds 10-15 mph. Tonight, cloudy skies overnight, lows near 43. SW winds 5-10 mph. Tomorrow, mainly cloudy, highs near 65. Westerly winds 10-15 mph. The extended forecast, mostly sunny skies through the weekend. Highs this Easter Sunday in the mid 70’s.

In Sports 04.06.2023

The Cal Poly Mustangs host UC Riverside this weekend for a three game series beginning tonight. There are games against the Highlanders tonight at six, Friday night at six, and Saturday beginning at one in the afternoon. They won’t play on Easter Sunday.

SLO County Population 04.06.2023

The US Census Bureau says San Luis Obispo county is among the ten fastest growing counties in the state. The county grew by 2700 people between 2021 and 22. That’s nearly a 1% increase. The fastest growing county is Yolo county, which is next to Sacramento county. It grew by 4% that year. Santa Barbara…

Tornadoes 04.06.2023

Have you ever seen a tornado in action? Paso Roblan Linda Sturmer tells KPRL she grew up in tornado alley. She grew up in Quanah, Texas which is just south of Altus, Oklahoma. She says when she was young, a tornado came through the area, so she and her family traveled a mile to her…

Campaign Donation Limit 04.06.2023

This week, San Luis Obispo county supervisors voted 3-2 to reduce the limit on an individuals campaign donations from $25 to five thousand five hundred dollars. That’s the limit for individuals. League of Women Voters second vice president Ed Cabrera urged the board to approve the lower limit. Recent elections have generated thousands of dollars…

Opener For Thursday 04.06.2023

Sunny this morning in the north county, but we’ll see clouds roll in this afternoon. Tomorrow will be cloudy, but the sunshine returns for Saturday and Easter Sunday. We’ll see high temperatures Sunday in the mid 70s. And the sunny weather continues through next week. More on the weather coming up.