Protecting What Matters with Barry J. Fisher. The goal of this show is to help listeners become better shoppers and buyers of services and products designed to protect various aspects of our lives and businesses. These will include insurance, wealth creation and management, health, medical, as well as personal wellbeing and safety. Please call into the show with questions (805) 238-5775 (KPRL) or email: [email protected].
Today’s Guest(s):
*Carroll Golden, best selling author. How not to pull your life apart caregiving. Overcoming challenges and objections to planning conversations. Home of the caring conversation.
*Debbie Arnold, district 5 SLO county supervisor. Behind the scenes look at how the county board of supervisors really works. Runaway county government, budget priorities and dependency on state/fed grants. Diablo Canyon, wind projects, property taxes and a new county CAO.