North County Weather 4.01.2020

Mostly sunny skies today, highs in the low 70’s. Tonight, clear skies overnight, lows near 40. Tomorrow, sunny and warm, highs near 70. The extended forecast calls for mostly sunny skies through Saturday. Showers beginning late Sunday and continuing through Tuesday of next week. We may receive an inch of rain from that storm early…

Andy Caldwell 4.01.2020

Congressional candidate Andy Caldwell says he’s been studying the coronavirus and he has mixed emotions about how the media and local government has handled the crisis. He says he’s studied the data on the Cottage hospital website, and he’s convinced the coronavirus is a serious threat, but he says there’s no reason to yell fire…

John Peschong 4.01.2020

If you’ve seen today’s Tribune, you’ve seen the official report. Supervisor Adam Hill admits to the newspaper that he attempted suicide, but says he wants to return to work. Over the weekend, before supervisor Adam Hill came out of hiding, supervisor John Peschong talked about the process of replacing Adam Hill. He says if the…

Wuhan Coronavirus in SLO 4.01.2020

The San Luis ObIspo county health department reports 80 cases of Covid-19 in the county. Forty of those people are recovering at home. 30 people have recovered from the virus. 10 are hospitalized. Two are in ICU. The health department says one of the patients in ICU has been the only one so far. Now…

Weather Intro 4.01.2020

Forecasters calling for sunny weather through Saturday, then we may get some pretty good rain Sunday through Tuesday of next week. Forecasters say we’ll get about an inch of rain over those three days. A wet March helped pull the north county out of a moderate drought condition. Paso Robles airport receiving about three inches.…