November’s general election is drawing nearer. At the republican headquarters in Atascadero, Cheryl Burbach says the ballots go out in ten days.
Last year, 80% of San Luis Obispo county voters voted by mail. This year, all of the ballots will be sent out by mail. Voters can either mail them back, take them to a voting center, or turn them in at a county clerk recorders office in Atascadero or San Luis Obispo.
And as Cheryl Burbach indicated, you may also hand deliver your ballot to the republican headquarters in the Adobe Plaza in Atascadero. That’s on El Camino Real. Next to Yogurt Creations.
The voting centers will be open for four days, beginning on Halloween, October 31st through election day on November 3rd.
There will be quite a number of voting centers in the north county including Atascadero pavilion on the lake, the Paso Robles Senior Center and the Paso Robles Event Center.