The Paso Robles school board makes it official, sixth graders return to the classroom March 9th. Students older than that have to wait.
At Tuesday nights meeting, assistant superintendent Jennifer Gaviola endorsed Plan A, which would delay reopening the schools. She said Plan A would have encouraged the continuing collaboration with the teachers union. The majority of teachers want school to reopen. The teacher’s union is against it. Union rep Justin Pickard wrote a letter which was read to the school board Tuesday night.
Regardless, the school board voted on a proposal to ask the administration to develop a plan to reopen schools on March 16th. The plan to be outlined at the next meeting, which is March 9th.
The vote on the proposal was 4-3 with Nathan Williams, Tim Gearhart and Lance Gannon casting the dissenting votes. So, the vote was 4-3 in favor of asking the Paso Robles school district administrators to develop a plan to reopen schools on March 16th. Bear in mind, private schools are open in San Luis Obispo county, and public schools are open in many other states.