Governor Gavin Newsom says he will loosen the restrictions on wearing masks next month. He says beginning June 15th, masks will not be required.
Governor Gavin Newsom talking with LA TV station Fox 11 about the mask mandate, disappearing after schools get out in a few weeks. He is also proposing to spend $12 billion dollars on affordable units to help solve homelessness.
He plans to unveil his plan to the legislature today or tomorrow. More on that tomorrow.
Incidentally the governor is also proposing to send $600 checks to millions of Californians. People who make fewer than $75 thousand dollars per year will receive $600. Roughly two thirds of Californians will receive checks.
Meanwhile inflation in the US is accelerating. The cost of building, gas and materials are skyrocketing under the fiscal policies of president Joe Biden and governor Gavin Newsom.