On a 3-2 vote, San Luis Obispo county supervisors approve the Patton Map for redrawing supervisorial districts in the county. The meeting lasted over seven hours, with more than 100 citizens providing public testimony.
Ellen Beraud talked about how many testified for against the various maps. Gary Kirkland talked about the verbal assaults from the left.
During yesterday’s testimony, one north county resident talked about the difference between San Miguel and Paso Robles. During his discussion, he was taunted by leftists who yelled “white privilege.” The man is 5th generation in the north county.
After a full day of public testimony and discussion, a motion to approve the San Luis chambers map failed on a 3-2 vote. Only Dawn Ortiz Legg and Bruce Gibson voted in favor of that map which did little to change district which some say were gerrymandered. Then John Peschong talked about the merits of the Patton map.
Supervisor Bruce Gibson started a long-winded diatribe alleging that the Patton map is partisan. Then chair Lynn Compton called for the vote. Supervisor Bruce Gibson continued to talk for about another five minutes about what he described as the partisan nature of the redistricting. He said that he wanted all of his testimony to go into the record. He also said that there may be a lawsuit over the new district map.
So, the story may not be over, but yesterday supervisors finally approved new supervisorial district maps on a 3-2 vote with supervisors Dawn Ortiz Legg and Bruce Gibson casting dissenting votes.