The Paso Robles school board’s next meeting is tonight, with closed session beginning at 6 pm.
On the board’s agenda is a discussion for the district’s cell phone use policy. Per state law, the school district must develop a policy limiting smartphone uses by July 1, 2026. Currently, the district’s policy states that cell phones are to not be out during class, except when it is permitted by the teacher for instruction. Cell phones may be out during lunch and passing periods.
A survey done for the district gathered responses from over 1,600 students, around 279 staff members, and 275 parents/guardians. A majority of students do not feel as though cell phone use negatively impacts their learning for the day, nor would they support a policy that restricts cell phone use on campus. The results are the opposite for staff and parents.
Based on this data, the school board will discuss how they would like to proceed.