The city of Atascadero was presented with the draft regional and Housing Infrastructure Plan (HIP) during its most recent meeting, in consideration for recommitting to the 2020 San Luis Obispo countywide regional compact.
The plan, known as HIP, is a nonbinding agreement developed by SLOCOG as part of the county’s regional commitment to addressing the housing and infrastructure needs for each city. Following an overview presentation on the draft plan, which contains a framework for infrastructure prioritization, an affordable-by-design study, and a mapping tool, members of the council and public were permitted to ask questions and deliver comments. While most of the council members supported the plan presented to them in theory, most felt as though the methodology and data did not accurately reflect the needs of Atascadero.
There was no official action necessary on behalf of the council for the item. The council did reach a consensus that more work for the development of HIP should be done in conjunction with city staff and officials to greater reflect the needs of Atascadero.
SLOCOG will continue their outreach into further city council meetings, including one with the Paso Robles city council.