The Paso Robles city council’s next regular meeting is Tuesday, December 3rd.
A part of this meeting’s discussion items is the quarterly financial and budget report update. This provides an overview of the city’s projected financial position for its current budget. This is the first financial report since the two year budget cycle was adopted in June. According to the report, the city’s operating expenditures is estimated to be 53.0 million dollars, with revenues estimated to be 55.1 million. There also remains around 19.7 million dollars in unspent reserves. The city also has several million dollars in unspent funds for measure J-20; a recommendation by staff in this report is to appropriate about 4 million dollars to several road repairs. These include 18th, 30th, 32nd and 36th streets from Vine to Spring street, and 16th street from Chestnut to Spring.
Also on next week’s agenda is a recommendation to eliminate the employee parking lot program in downtown Paso Robles. The agenda says enforcement for the program is only based on a complaints. The cost of hiring a full time employee would be around a hundred and twenty-two thousand dollars a year, and may also require a supervisor position. Given the associated costs and minimal revenue that the city would see, staff is recommending council eliminate the program. Alternatively, council may also direct staff to conduct outreach to stakeholders to pursue a new or modified version of the parking lot program.
You can attend Tuesday’s meeting in person, or listen right here on KPRL.