The Paso Robles city council will be meeting tomorrow at 6:30.
One of the agenda’s discussion items is the approval of the first ever Paso Robles strategic plan to address homelessness. Housing and homelessness is one of six areas of priority that the city adopted for this fiscal year and the next.
The plan was created from a working group that hosted two public meetings earlier this year, and met four times to develop the plan. Of the plan’s thirteen goals and objectives, the agenda report says four were identified as foundational to the plan’s success and should be achieved in the first year of its implementation: hiring a city homeless services manager, implementing a communication plan to share the strategic plan within the community, conducting a financial needs assessment to determine funding needs, and developing a budget that supports the plan priorities and provides the greatest return on investment.
You can attend tomorrow’s meeting in person, or listen right here on KPRL.