Protecting What Matters with Barry J. Fisher. The goal of this show is to help listeners become better shoppers and buyers of services and products designed to protect various aspects of our lives and businesses. These will include insurance, wealth creation and management, health, medical, as well as personal wellbeing and safety. Please call into the show with questions (805) 238-5775 (KPRL) or email: [email protected].
Today’s Guest(s):
*Lydia Francis & Kermit Komm, Board Members – Paso Robles Food Co-Op. Understanding cooperatives and how the Paso Robles Food Co-Op can help its owners and community. Mission & values of Paso Robles Food Co-Op and how it can benefit you. Important health benefits eating locally sourced unprocessed foods.
*Edward Ring, Director of Water and Energy Policy – California Policy Center. Changing landscape of energy policy in the United States. The numbers driving California vs Washington on Energy, Water and Forestry policy. Will Gavin Newsom & the Democrat legislature succeed in thwarting the Make America Great Energy policy.