In its meeting next week, the county board of supervisors will be holding a public hearing to consider a resolution that will increase the fees for solid waste collection.
The agenda says that the board of supervisors previously asked staff to bring evaluation on how to achieve full cost recovery with state solid waste mandates, and the feasibility of rejoining the county Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA). A study conducted by staff indicated that an increase to 8.1% of gross revenue collected from solid waste customers would be necessary to provide the additional revenue needed. If the county rejoined the IWMA, then the waste management fee would need to match the IWMA’s fee structure.
The board of supervisors will consider whether to join the IWMA on Tuesday, and the waste management fees will be determined by the decision. If the county does not join the IWMA, the current fee of 2% will increase to 8.1%. If the county joins, the 8.1% will fall to 5.4%, and be temporarily reduced to 4.4% to match the current fee structure.
You can attend Tuesday’s meeting in person, or watch online.