Atascadero city council meets tonight. The council will discuss annexing two parcels.
Mayor Heather Moreno tells KPRL two parcels to be annexed. One on Curbaril. That one will generate about $3 thousand dollars a year. Another called the Grand Oak Paseo Annexation. That project is expected to generate between 19 and $20 thousand dollar a year beginning in the next fiscal year. Mayor Moreno says the Grand Oaks development has affordable housing that is unique. Micro-homes are just 450-850 square feet. And they will be clustered together.
The proposal to annex that parcel for the Grand Oaks Paseo development is on the agenda. There will be public hearing on those annexations tonight. The meeting gets underway at six tonight. It’s a virtual meeting, but you can hear it live here on KPRL beginning at six.