The Paso Robles city council meeting is tomorrow at 6:30.
A hearing scheduled for this meeting is the city’s comprehensive zoning code update, which will introduce the 1st reading an ordinance to amend title 21 of the Paso Robles municipal code, pertaining to the city’s zoning code. Other titles of the city’s municipal code will be changed in relation to these updates.
The city will also discuss approving the contract with Loyd’s Aviation as the fixed based operator for the Paso Robles municipal airport. Council first approved staff to enter into negotiations with Loyd’s in its June 18th meeting in a 3 – 1 vote. Staff is now bringing this contract to council for approval.
According to the agenda, the term will be for five years, with extensions available based on performance. The contract also states Loyd’s will “diligently and continuously pursue the construction of the airport terminal expansion” and hangar as soon as possible.
You can attend tomorrow’s meeting in person, or listen right here on KPRL.