Paso Robles city council swears in two re-elected council members and a new city treasurer at last night’s meeting.
Congratulations to re-elected council members Fred Strong and Steve Gregory, and to newly elected city treasurer Ryan Cornell.
Emergency services director and fire chief Jonathon Stornetta provided an update on the coronavirus in Paso Robles. Mayor Steve Martin says the city is doing all it can to comply with the governor’s orders.
The council approved the 2020 general plan housing element for the next eight years. That puts the city in compliance with state law. A few citizens called in to discuss the plan. Dale Gustin said that he felt allowing several hundred short term rental homes to exist in R-1 zoning is adversely impacting the housing demand in Paso Robles.
The council also discussed the 2021 community development block grant (CDBG) program and the draft annual action plan. The CDBG program is implemented by the United States department of housing and urban development. The federal funds are to be allocated to non-profit programs in the community including RISE, ECHO, CASA for foster child intervention, and CAPSLOo for an adult day center. Darin Nash of the city planning department, explained the allocation of the funds. He said some of the money is from the 2017 CDBG funds and will be reallocated.
The council approved the staff recommendations.