Jaime Umphenour is the host of “Sound-Off”, the longest running talk show on the Central Coast. She brings to the show an eclectic range of guests from Authors to Artists, business owners to politicians, and everyone in between. Tune in to Sound Off every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Today’s guests:
*Steve Frank of California Political News & Views. For more information on Steve Frank go to: http://www.capoliticalreview.com/capoliticalnewsandviews/
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5th Generation Texan Richard Battle to discuss border issues. For more information about Richard or to purchase one of his books go to his website: https://richardbattle.com/ or you can find his books on Amazon under Richard V. Battle.
Fernando Mateo, Mayoral candidate for New York City to discuss the increase in crime in American cities. For more information about Fernando, go to his website: https://www.mateothemayor.com/
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