Atascadero city council conducted a virtual meeting Tuesday night from the rotunda. City manager reported that Galaxy Theaters is now open. She says they opened late last week, and that they are expanding their service to the community. She encouraged people to go to the city’s website ( to learn what movies are showing.
Rachelle also described several new businesses opening in Atascadero. They include Juice Boss Delivery, which sells juices from its new storefront on Entrada avenue. Irish Ranch Mercantile also opened a new store in Atascadero. They sell products made at the ranch, and also products from several other ranches in the area. There are also two businesses sharing a space occupied by Lulu’s Cheese Company.
The council also reviewed and approved funding recommendations for the 2021 community development block grant. Those funds will be awarded when staff receives the final award.
The council will meet again Thursday at 6:00 in a study session to discuss affordable housing.