This week, the San Luis Obispo county grand jury releases it’s 79 page continuity report. That report responds to the Paso Robles school district’s response to the original report entitled, The Paso Robles School District, A Cautionary Tale.
This latest missive from the grand jury points out suggestions that they recommended which have been ignored by the school board and district staff. For instance, the grand jury said that the school board should hold meetings on Saturdays because the Tuesday night meetings were too long, and they weren’t getting everything done. This past Tuesday, the board had nine items on their agenda, and they only got through five. That took five and a half hours, counting closed session.
The board has not met on Saturday, except for a workshop or two. They held one to discuss school closure or consolidation on February 5th, but otherwise, they have not followed the recommendation of the grand jury, and the district leadership is rather cavalier about it.
No explanation why they won’t meet on Saturday’s to get their business completed. It may be the trustees don’t want to have their responsibility on their weekends. At least one trustee has said that. And superintendent Curt Dubost has responsibilities at his winery. Saturday is a big day for wine tasting.
Regardless, it’s one example of the school board ignoring the recommendations of the grand jury, and not apologizing for it.