In 2022, the state of California reassessed the fire hazard severity zone for the west side of Paso Robles, in accordance with state legislation.
The new map released in November showed a proposal to raise the severity zone of the west side from “high” to “very high.” Paso Robles fire chief Jonathan Stornetta said that the impact of this would have been updated building codes, fire codes, higher construction costs, and an increase for insurance premiums.
In January, Stornetta asked for council and community support in sending a letter to the state fire marshal outlining that the city opposes the changes and recommendations. In June, the west side of Paso Robles was changed from “very high” back to “high.” Stornetta is now asking local residents to mail a form letter expressing support of the reassessment to acting state fire marshal Daniel Berlant. The letters are due August 9th, and can be found in the “Fire and Emergency Services” section on the city of Paso Robles’s website.