The Paso Robles city council will be meeting tomorrow at 6:30 in the evening.
Items on the agenda for this upcoming meeting include a capital projects report by public works director Freda Berman, and capital projects engineer Ditas Esperanza.
A “public hearing” will also be held for a proposed airport division fee update. The agenda report attached for the public hearing states the airport fee updates better align with the fees and costs associated with the operations and maintenance of the airport, and were reviewed to comparable airports within the region. Some of the new fees include terminal building use and rental, transient aircraft parking, and airport testing site usage. The airport commission reviewed the proposed fees and unanimously recommended the update to the city council for adoption on June 22nd.
The full agenda report can be found with the agenda packet on the city of Paso Robles website. You can attend the meeting in person, or listen right here on KPRL.