Yesterday, the county reports 78 new cases manifested over the weekend. That brings the county’s total to 3,438 confirmed cases. That’s out of a population of 285,000 people.
So, over the past six months about 1.2% of the county population tested positive for the coronavirus. Most have recovered. Of those who tested positive, 0.8% died from the corona virus. So fewer than 1% who contracted the virus died. The average age of those who died from coronavirus is over 85.
The county’s 400 hospital beds were increased to 1350 with a government emergency center at Cal Poly. The rec center equipped with 950 beds. That was so that health officials could accommodate 1350 patients on any one give day. But fewer than 30 were ever sick on one day. Right now 15 people are hospitalized.
They are again testing at the Atascadero lake pavilion. Beginning tomorrow testing will also be available in Paso Robles at the corner of 24th and Riverside from 3-6 pm. The Paso Robles Event Center.
Next week, they’ll be testing people at Heritage Ranch. That begins next Wednesday. The testing in Paso Robles and Heritage Ranch will be done on site. It’s free and no identification or insurance will be required.