Local news in San Luis Obispo County including San Miguel, Paso Robles, Shandon, Templeton, Atascadero, Santa Margarita, San Luis Obispo, Avila Beach, Morro Bay, Cayucos, Cambria, Pismo Beach, Arroyo Grande, Santa Maria, and other cities along the Central Coast of California.

North County Weather 09.30.2022

Mostly sunny, but much cooler today. Highs near 87 in Paso Robles. 83 in Atascadero. SW winds 10-20 miles per hour. Overnight, mostly clear, lows near 52. WSW winds 10-15 miles per hour. Tomorrow, mostly sunny but cooler. High’s near 82 in Paso Robles. 78 in Atascadero. WSW winds 10-15 miles per hour. We’ll see…

Food and Farm News 09.30.2022

The California State Board of Food and Agriculture will hear updates and discuss issues related to the state’s water supply strategy at its upcoming meeting on Tuesday. In addition, the board will hear from recent federal grant recipients on climate-smart commodity programs that will be implemented in the state. The meeting will also include a…

Oktoberfest 09.30.2022

Tomorrow is the first day of October, and that brings Oktoberfest back to the north county. The fundraiser is tomorrow afternoon and evening at Harris Stage Lines on North River road in Paso Robles. That’s next to River K Pumpkin Patch. For more information you can go to Neighboraid’s website, or contact St. James Episcopal…

Cat Ordinance in Atascadero 09.30.2022

Despite the Weiner dog race, and dog costume contest, cats are also important in Atascadero. Mayor Heather Moreno talking about a cat ordinance at this week’s city council meeting. The ordinance will address issues related to feral cat colonies. The effort will be coordinated with the new county animal shelter. The proposed cat ordinance does…

North County Weather 09.29.2022

Mostly sunny, but much cooler today. Highs near 87 in Paso Robles. Same in Atascadero. W winds 10-20 miles per hour. Overnight, mostly clear, lows near 53. NNW winds 5-10 miles per hour. Tomorrow, mostly sunny but cooler. High’s near 83 in Paso Robles. Same in Atascadero, 83 degrees. WSW winds 10-15 miles per hour.…