Local news in San Luis Obispo County including San Miguel, Paso Robles, Shandon, Templeton, Atascadero, Santa Margarita, San Luis Obispo, Avila Beach, Morro Bay, Cayucos, Cambria, Pismo Beach, Arroyo Grande, Santa Maria, and other cities along the Central Coast of California.

North County Weather 03.24.2022

Sunny and warm today, highs near 84. WSW winds 10-15 miles per hour. Tonight, clear, lows near 46. NW winds 5-10 miles per hour. Tomorrow, partly cloudy, highs near 83. WSW winds at 10-15 miles per hour. The extended forecast for cooler temperatures on Saturday. Sunday afternoon and evening, an 85% chance of rain. That…

In Sports 03.24.2022

March Madness returns tonight. In San Francisco this afternoon, Gonzaga plays Arkansas at 4. Then Duke plays Texas Tech after that game. In San Antonio, Arizona plays the late game against Houston, after Michigan and Villa Nova play at 4:30. Tomorrow evening in Philadelphia, UCLA plays North Carolina. That’s after the Cinderella team in the…

AG News 03.24.2022

As the price of gasoline breaks the six dollar barrier in the north county, many people look for alternatives, but veterinarians are cautioning people against the assumption that we can return to horse travel. Although that was once common in the north county. The problem is that Americans are much heavier today. Obesity is rampant,…

Drug Addiction & Jail 03.24.2022

One of the big issues surround the homeless problem in the north county and through the state is drug addiction. San Luis Obispo county sheriff Ian Parkinson says that it used to be, when people were arrested they got put in jail, and that’s often where they realized they needed to change their lives. But…

Pool at High School 03.24.2022

Late Tuesday night, the Paso Robles school board voted unanimously to hire an architect to develop plans for a modified aquatic complex at the high school. It’s an important step, however, people are cautioned that this does not guarantee that a pool will be built at Paso Robles high school. The process to build a…

Grand Jury Report 03.24.2022

This week, the San Luis Obispo county grand jury releases it’s 79 page continuity report. That report responds to the Paso Robles school district’s response to the original report entitled, The Paso Robles School District, A Cautionary Tale. This latest missive from the grand jury points out suggestions that they recommended which have been ignored…

Short Term Rentals 03.24.2022

At a time when many talk about the housing shortage, the Paso Robles city council will discuss the ordinance which allows hundreds of short term rentals in Paso Robles. The workshop to be held at 6:30 this evening. Many cities the size and character of Paso Robles ban short term rentals in residential zones. These…

Opener For Thursday 03.24.2022

Are you enjoying the warm, spring afternoons? Tuesday, Paso Robles broke the record for the date. High temperatures reached 84 Tuesday afternoon, which broke the record of 82 set back in 1977. We’ll see warm weather again this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon, then look for rain on Sunday. Forecasters saying we have an 85% chance…

North County Weather 03.23.2022

Sunny and warm today, highs near 85. WSW winds 10-15 miles per hour. Tonight, clear, lows near 47. NW winds 5-10 miles per hour. Tomorrow, mostly sunny and warm, highs near 86. WNW winds at 10-15 miles per hour. The extended forecast for sunshine and warmer temperatures through Friday. Highs in the mid 80’s. Cooler…