Super Hero Signs 4.16.2020

In the Paso Robles school district, superhero signs going up in front of houses of teachers, classified workers and administrators who have kept education going despite the government shut down to the perceived threat of the coronavirus pandemic. Assistant superintendent Jennifer Gaviola sending out a release saying the staff superhero signs are available for pick…

Atascadero Schools 4.16.2020

North county schools practicing self distancing. Teachers conducting classes on their computers and chrome books. In Atascadero, superintendent Tom Butler says it’s going pretty well. Superintendent Butler says he’s meeting with teachers, parents and community leaders to try to develop plans for graduation and scholarship night. More on that tomorrow on KPRL.

China Coronavirus SLO Update 4.16.2020

Four new coronavirus cases reported in San Luis Obispo county. That brings the total number to 124. As of Tuesday, 104 of those people completely recovered. 16 are at home recovering. Three are hospitalized. One 86-yr-old man died. The hospitals are waiting for the surge, turning away elective surgery to make room for it. At…

Avila Beach 4.15.2020

Now that it’s sunny, port San Luis harbor district has banned beach goers. The harbor district will enforce new restrictions at several of its beaches beginning today in an effort to promote social distancing. The district announcing yesterday that because of “significant beach crowds and crowded beach parking” they have restricted beach use to short…

Closing The Dunes 4.15.2020

A scientific advisory group says the temporary closure of the Oceano Dunes recreational area will not shed light on how RV’s impact particulate pollution off the dunes. Their two page report indicates it would take more time to draw any conclusions. The San Luis Obispo county air pollution control district distributes the letter on its…

sheriff, slo county, san luis obispo, police, law

Jail Release 4.15.2020

The San Luis Obispo county sheriff and district attorney are against it, but there’s a possibility 50 inmates from the county jail may be released under a judicial order from the state of California. The order took effect Monday. The intent is to reduce jail populations statewide to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. Inmates…

Atascadero City Council 4.15.2020

The Atascadero City Council held a virtual meeting last night. The doors at the Rotunda were locked, because the council members simply called in to the meeting. City Manager Rachelle Rickard told the council that residents are cooperating with recommendations to shelter-at-home. She said the city website ( has a lot of information about business…

Conoravirus 4.15.2020

While discussion begins to end the shut down, the county reports three new cases of corona-virus. The numbers, 120 confirmed cases. 101 of those people have recovered. 15 people are now recovering at home. 3 are hospitalized. And still just the one death. For the last two weeks, the average has been about 3 new…